Our School
The Ottawa Carleton District School Board is pleased to announce that families at Stittsville Public School will continue to have the option of having their children (JK-Grade 6) attend an on-site Extended Day Program operated by Andrew Fleck Child Care Services.
Our Students
Stittsville Public School has an enrolment of 755 students. After completing Grade 6 at Stittsville Public School, most of our students attend Maplewood SS to complete their elementary education.
Here are comments from our students about the school:
- “I like Stittsville Public School because learning is always fun.”
- “I like our school because everyone is so kind, nice and everyone helps each other.”
- “At Stittsville Public School, everyone is treated like an equal.”
- “Our school is a safe place because there isn't any fighting.”
- “I like Stittsville Public School because the teachers help with problems.”
- “I love cross-country and track and field.”
- “The playground is so big!”
Our Staff
Stittsville Public School has a staff of over 48 teachers, 3 educational assistants, 7 early childhood educators, 2.5 office staff, 3.0 custodial staff, .70 library technician, and a full time vice-principal and principal.
Listed below are some comments from students and parents describing the staff:
- “The staff at Stittsville Public School are kind and caring.”
- “I feel that the staff members really respect me for who I am.”
- “Our teachers make learning lots of fun.”
- “The teachers are great and they always help people at the right time.”
- “The staff is friendly, welcoming and helpful and they are always appreciative of parent involvement.”
Our Community
Stittsville Public School is located in the town of Stittsville in a growing and vibrant community. There are many activities and facilities provided in the community which include a wide range of sports, clubs, groups, a beautiful new library, an arena, a museum, a golf course, and several service clubs.
We welcome volunteers in our school. Last year, the majority of our parents participated in at least one school activity, including helping students with reading, organizing fundraising events, accompanying students on field trips, organizing outdoor games for students at recess, working in the library, etc. We also have several community volunteers providing valuable assistance.
Mission Statement
The Stittsville Public School Council, in partnership with the school staff, students, parents/guardians, and the community, will strive to share information, solicit ideas, and develop solutions to enhance the quality of the education system for our children. We believe an effective and quality education is the key to our children’s future. The Council will therefore present ideas and make recommendations for the betterment of the school system.
Life is Learning. Learning is life.
Facilities and Resources
Stittsville Public School and its grounds house features:
- An enclosed kindergarten play area
- A library/resource centre with over 15,000 titles
- Computer technology in every room
- Portable wireless computer lap tops
- A full size gymnasium
- A large, attractive and safe playground
- Two play structures and sandboxes
- A soccer field.
- An outdoor classroom
Programs and Services:
There are two academic programs at Stittsville P.S.:
- English program with Core French - In this program, students in grades 1 to 6 receive 40 minutes a day of French instruction.
- Early French Immersion - In this program, French is the language of instruction for 50% of the time in full day bilingual kindergarten program and 80% in grade 1. From grades 2 to 6, students receive two hours a day of English instruction. The balance between the languages of instruction is about 60% in French and 40% in English, including mathematics.
At Stittsville Public School, we have 2 teachers who work in Special Education.
Stittsville P.S. embraces the practice of inclusion; all exceptional students remain in their regular classes for instruction in literacy and mathematics. The 2 special education teachers and 3.5 educational assistants join the classes during this time. Sometimes small groups of students are withdrawn from the classroom for targeted interventions. This is a short term approach with a specific goal.
Learning Support Teachers (LST) also provide support for teachers who have students with special needs, including remedial, consultation and Empower Reading programs.
Special Education Staff conduct educational assessment of students, prepare Individual Education Plans, and coordinate the Identification, Placement and Review meetings. Learning Resource Teachers provide support to teachers, co-teach in classes, and also prepare required documentation.
SPS students have diverse backgrounds and speak a wide variety of first languages. We have an ESL Teacher who provides support in the form of resources for ELL students
Throughout the year staff volunteer to run a variety of sport programs, various clubs, and activities that vary from year to year. Examples include:
- Cross country
- Track and field
- Soccer
- Bordenball
- Tripleball
- Intramurals
- Spirit Character Crew SCC
- Reading Club
- Choir
- Card Club
- Chess Club